Avoid Having alcohol for the first time felt that a person subjectively may be uncomfortable. It is due to This that the negative effects of ethyl alcohol of an organization, as well as the fact that a was a drunk, he hasn't regained his health.
In the first weeks, as a ember of the rejection you might feel, free, often sick, attack, subjected to the depression. This is a reaction due to decreased immunity, as well as the fact that you haven't a test adapted to the new conditions, and wants everything back to normal. The people of this time period is usually once again to grab the bottle, convinced that this is better than constantly hurting.
When a crisis, or the test build, ex-alcoholic will feel much better, in fact, can celebrate. The improvements occur:
- increases the protective forces of organism;
- it improves the skin condition;
- improving the memory;
- stability of the cardiovascular;
- normalization processes of digestion, and urinary output.
Alcoholics, improvement is not general, it follows immediately, as soon as I stopped drinking. I need a little time, a test wrestled with addiction. Remember You have to not expect quick results.
4 Folk remedy for alcohol addiction
Stop the drinking, forever, you can use the traditional methods of a medicine, to consolidate the results of medical treatment. The main objective is to a develop alcoholics disgust, that a later alcohol consumption.
Before you direct the treatment at home, it is important that people with a binge to lead a normal state. This should get rid of a group of friends who regularly provoke the use of alcoholic beverages
Yet Sometimes you need a change of permanent residence. Don't fog it hurts to meet a sick person who managed to complete the full course of rehabilitation, and cured in the traditional methods of therapy.

The simplest, most effective alternative at the same time the most prosaic. No
a much stronger mint the. Of course, sometimes the strong dependence produced purely physiological level, way out there, but still, if you want such problems to solve, like a drug, I don't. That's too you don't need to give an easy to find way – just enough time to say to yourself that you don't want to drink. After that you have to listen to an intent, is simply to stop drinking.
Twist No, there's no pitfalls. Yes, for a while not good will be felt, a characteristic, unpleasant, but not forever. Then it's just a condition to improve, it'll be easier
It is important to motivate colonel wants to see you, to explain what damage to the organisation by the use (especially abuse) of alcohol. Should a system develop there are moral compensation abandoning harmful habits
It's good to monitor the condition of recording every positive change. Because really soon you feel better better. This means that more and more incentive to keep the lead the sober lifestyle.
How to quit drinking forever: practical recommendations
That fog cure.
Wife says: "Husband is drinking." The children of drinking father. It's time to get serious.Can do yourself at home to cope with the alcoholism? It all depends on your settings. But even if the disease has progressed very far, many are tools, which, combined with a positive result. The most important ones are:
- Medications prescribed by a doctor, antidepressant, neuroleptic, baby medicines, means that the recovery of liver function, etc.
- Psychotherapy: individual, group.
- The coding of drugs or hypnosis.
A longer the period in which they drank, the harder it is to overcome an addiction. Sometimes, without medication, that it is impossible from here.
What support?
If you have a strong desire, common to be, to return to the family life traces of the use of the complementary techniques:
- To friends, colleagues. Shy — find a forum frequented by alcoholics anonymous, no one knows his face.
- To fight stress, because it's a new to provoke an outbreak. If a drug is a little bit calm down, and then again come the doctor is so adapted to the treatment, I'll prescribe you a tablet.
- Fill out the meaning of life, to find a new job, a hobby, play sports, read interesting books, to walk, to learn how to cook.
Mint all chronic disease, alcoholism can relapse after a while. You need to be drinking, leave it up to you don't forever ingest alcohol, even beer. The more like a beer day, a person, a wife is for some reason allows, what is calm, she's gonna start to believe that there is a big problem. This is not the case. Malt drink contains the same alcohol plus other substances that cause addiction.
Remember Always that, in the short-term, a temptation can ruin your profits.
A few tips on how you can quit drinking forever
- Avoid collisions alcohol, everything in the house, that doesn't mean, "just in case", and the "others" to the same households. Explain to your wife how to help your husband to drink, let the article I read on them on this topic.
- No meetings, holidays, if you know there will be drinking. You like colonel wants to see you, and think primarily of themselves, this is the case when people complain you don't have to worry about.
- Don't try to communicate with those who suggested a drink, even if your friends. Avoid seeing drinking buddies — it helps to have a bad guy go, mint is a dying alcoholic.
- Fight the thoughts of the drink. I remember what I wanted to learn the childhood, I'll take care of. Whatever it is, be, it's never too late to try. A fencing tournament can be enjoyed at any age.
- Try not to watch movies, read the books, where a lot of drinking. Curable Although no, I didn't read the books, such as "stop drinking", then it may contain extra details, which then provoke.
- More to happens to fresh air. As you pull a drink — fuss, or chopping wood to cooking, do cooking lessons, or a round seam.
- Help a regular system is a day when there won't be room for the booze. A job, a family, a child's communication with a, walk, etc. It's time to eat and go to bed at the same time.
- If you don't completely give up alcohol, the experts advise the register of alcohol consumed. You'll find Then, if you do not increase dose. You should be reduced gradually.
- But if you can — it is better to completely give up all alcohol.
Why do people Drink?
Very often people, surrounded by people who love to drink, drink. It is characterized mainly for young people who are trying to imitate the adults. The child watching the parents drink at home and considers such behavior a norm.
Another is a charm, because alcohol is a desire, forget about problems, distractions. Unfortunately, a effect, another one: when you try to get rid of alcohol-related problems, this number is only growing.
A fact is due to the fact that the person with alcoholic beverages, the sense of euphoria, improve mood, a lot of people who do it on purpose, drinking. But sometimes it's the alcohol that's causing opposite effect. Instead of the expected happiness, going to be the a person irritable, feeling, fear, anger, tormented by guilt.
Sometimes a person drinks out of habit. Seems to have a psychological addiction to alcohol, as well as a regular use it occurs, physiological addiction.
Many with the help of alcohol resolve the problem, your honor. Without alcohol, the person feels worse. Other way trying to avoid responsibility for your life, with other people.
It is often the cause of alcoholism, the guilt, the man you need. In order to this, but people have to alcohol. In addition, addiction to alcohol can be explained by a few of the guilty action, and prevents to live.
If you want me to stop drinking alcohol on your own, regardless of the the reason why alcohol, listen to some advice.
The disadvantage is that the home treatment
Drinking at home is difficult, it is important that a few rules
- The effect of measures is possible, if the disease is at an early stage. If you have advanced stages observed physical and psychological disorders, to cope with which only a specialist.
- The patient should be that bad get rid of the habits. A man to stop drinking, I fall fog. In this case, only a temporary effect.
- You need to create a comfortable conditions, protecting the patient is a stressful situations, often provoking a stall, or give me a successfully disbursed by the eu structural.
- You need to completely abandon alcoholic beverages.
But I still struggle with the alcohol in the home is rarely 100% successful. This causes the situation that the following look for:
- missing a required skills and sufficient experience, which is available to doctors;
- there is a high risk of a disorder;
- lacking a strong motivation to the dependent person (in a clinic is better able to recognize the danger of alcohol, you need to leave bad habits);
- lack of psychological support (even if it's close ill honestly try to help him, they don't know they develop the belief in it to make it fog him to stop drinking. Such a trust is able to introduce you to the only therapist).
In addition, often become alcoholics to escape the reality forget about the problems. In such cases, it is necessary to find out the cause of alcohol addiction and eliminate it available to a specialist.
So how to have to drink dramatically, another problem treatment at home becomes impossible, for the assistance during alcohol intoxication. Such negative consequences are the following:
- high blood pressure;
- a heart rhythm disorder;
- heart failure;
- failure of the digestive system;
- delirium tremens (severe in severe cases).
A specialist in such cases, detoxification therapy.
It's not worth it to risk the health of someone you love. Help to quit drinking, it means that a connection to a special clinic where the patient is provided the high medical help.
ATTENTION! This article is the guidance information includes not only a serve as a guide to action. Provide effective help or just a psychologist, psychiatrist-narcologist
How to quit drinking without coding
Close to The people, an alcoholic is concerned that, to the drinker to stop drinking? The force the fog to work. You need to try to create human relationships that will help him think less of drinking, and not to contact her. Today, almost all of a city's rehabilitation property. For example, in Odessa, in the treatment of alcoholism is to completely encode without, to say "redeemed".
Get rid of alcohol addiction without the assistance of a psychiatrist, encoding methods, or three to meet important conditions:
- I admit that alcohol has become a problem and interfere with the normal life.
- A list of reasons for alcohol came up in your life.
- Identify the specific tasks that will help get rid of alcohol addiction.
Important stages on the path to sobriety:
- To get started go to the mirror, objectively assess the appearance of yourself and say, "you look 10 years older than his age. I circles the eyes, double chin below, and, not because I'm bad to sleep with a family of all thick, but because I'm an alcoholic". Sounds like the show, but without that it is impossible to recognize the problem, to the next step.
- I want to tell you those plans to quit drinking. The support of the hard way. If someone can't find the acquaintances understanding, try to reduce the contacts option, and is not responsible for periods, which includes a feast. Even if good friends, fajbiológia more expensive. But the life that is always in place.
- Decide why the alcohol prevent. Remember that the "nail", which tripped when I befriended the bottle. This could be: health problems, irritability, led to a fight in the family, loss of income, etc.
- State the purpose for which you need to be drinking: to imagine, to regain authority in a family, to a new post, to save a build of alcohol on vacation, etc. Goals are specific, feasible. Unfulfilled fantasies can bring.
- At the time a rehabilitation eliminate the vocabulary of any self-justification. "Beer — low alcoholic beverage". "I was just in the evening hours, then a little". "A couple of drinks to help you fog sleep." Ezek, or other similar term, the worst enemies of the intention is good, to stop drinking.
- Away from the temptation, remove all alcohol from the house. The stores try to keep the alcohol Class into the three levels do not belong to the area a sight to behold. Minimize the home gatherings, the guests who like to drink.
- A diary and plan each day so that it was more eventful. The work, which was not previously willing. A less "Windows" in the empty time you have, the less likely to think about drinking.
- Create classes for leisure. I'm sure active, fun, to distract from thinking about alcohol.
- Healthy A diet. Eliminates the diet, the foods you used to consume alcohol. Try the menu button here, to delicious, varied, fun. Such a small period of pleasure, not pain.
- Find a substitute for relieving stress after work. This could be walking, mozi, Hobbies, physical education classes, night run.
- Calculate how much money you spend on alcoholic beverages per work week day. Delay. Mist be surprised that the cost was just desperate to the budget. Purchase the savings on something nice, useful, serious, or delay in obtaining buy.
- Try to get all the positive aspects. Sadness — the first temptation of a main to return to the old habit. Don't let colonel wants to see you SAD, I would have regretted it if you are nostalgic for a rowdy fun. Simply turn a thought to something lighter.
- Take care of your health. I'm sure there's some work to do after a long protracted alcohol attacks the test. Consult your doctor — recommended vitamins, that supports your well-being during rehabilitation.
How to stop drinking coding help

Talking about the "stop drinking", many ex-alcoholics in a treatment, we recommend that the traditional medicine, the treatment with the help of medical coding, including hypnosis. Several types of encoding.
This method has the advantage that the encoding carried out by the professionals or the patients under his control. The prescribed by a doctor dosage drugs based on the medical history of the patient, monitor as well as to a course of treatment. In the event that the patient's health, the doctor the prescribed set of treatment: reduce the dose, brings antidote, to a change of drugs, provides a comprehensive treatment.
Medical coding
The patients are recommended oral medications for a implantable. These are The action of drugs, based on the principles of deterrence, the consumption of alcohol, because with alcohol, the patient will show signs of dizziness, weakness, nausea, irregular heartbeat, seizure.
If a mouth through medicines such unpleasant consequences, the implantable encoding, in addition to the same reaction to the alcohol, it's still a painful procedure.
When an implanted coding of the patient's skin to the depth of the cut of 3-4 cm, in the cavity of an implanted or a capsule, which subsequently resolved. Before an incision is made the injection of local anesthesia.
In addition, medical coding is necessarily accompanied by a provocation, i.e., the doctor will give the patient to drink, from where begins all of a sudden a deterioration of health caused nausea, high blood pressure, vomiting, weakness. I'll give you the going to be the antidote, which removes these effects. After such provocation the patient from drinking.
Coding method Dovzhenko

This is a method proven over several decades. Is that A way to a hypnotic effect of a sick man. In this case, is not sick a is immersed in a deep sleep, and then carried out a proposal, giving up alcohol for a certain period of watchful brand. A main condition of this method is the strong desire to get rid of an alcohol, and the alcohol refusal 6-7 days prior to this procedure.
This method has the advantage that the encoding is happening on one occasion, the treatment is carried out anonymously there is no information transfer in a narcological clinic, a method is well combined with other therapies, forms of indifference to alcohol. This is Dovzhenko belongs to a Professor, to the authorship of the "coding" this method is one of the deservedly most effective in the world. A method disadvantages Dovzhenko know, it could be then, that when encoding enables the installer to stop drinking, time to a certain. Some of the coding to wait for a day when an effect, a method loses strength, which can start again after drinking.
The encoding of a alcoholism
Since this is a method, a provides effect on the body, the laser irradiation is applied after a thorough examination of the state of the health, under the supervision of a doctor. The laser irradiation is performed several times to achieve the effect. The purpose of this method – influence of blood of the patient to be treated. Because this method has many contraindications, side effects, used, not too often, effective, but not enough to stop drinking.
The coding of alcoholism hypnosis

This is perhaps the best-known, most popular form of encoding. Hypnosis provides the patient, the fear of alcohol consumption, with the aim of self-preservation. In this method advantage is that you don't need special medicines. A treatment is necessary, just a desire to stop drinking, experienced professional.
The provided provocation, when an implanted encoding, just in smaller doses. Give that patient a few drops of alcohol in a language that the deteriorating health while drowning. Ezek symptoms subside, introduction to a after, the doctor, the drug antidote. In addition, there is an aversion to the alcohol, the patient is a setting that every time you try alcohol, ezek a symptoms should be repeated.
Most popular recipes, which helps to put the stop drinking
- A decoction of Hypericum. Pour 4 tablespoons of chopped St. John's wort in 500 ml boiling water. A mixture was warm up to 30 minutes in a water bath. Infusion, drink 2 times a week for 2 days. The patient is an aversion to the alcohol, you will stop drinking.
- A decoction of bearberry. Pour 2 tablespoons of bearberry leaves with a glass of water, and boil for 15 minutes. Tablespoon of broth to drink 6 times a day, this will help to stop the addiction.
- A decoction of oats a marigold. Pour a small cup of oats, quantity, approximately while in the middle of a tank. Pour out the water, and cook on low heat for half an hour, drain. Pour in broth 100 grams of marigold, insists the heat for 12 hours. Filter, a glass to drink 3 times a day. At the end of a treatment the patient stop drinking alcohol.
- You will Need Laurel knight of the root and drug. Pour the crushed roots in a glass of vodka, infuse 2 weeks. The way to drink a mixture of the alcoholic, it causes severe vomiting aversion to alcohol.
- Crushed Captain European pour leaves a cup of hot water, 2 weeks, a place to insist on the point. Approximately 100 ml of tincture mixed with the same amount of vodka and give the patient, a breakfast, lunch. Night, give me to drink regular vodka. I need The device because of severe vomiting, the result is that the will of the alcoholic drinking to stop.
- A tablespoon of thyme, wormwood, and centauri mix, and pour a glass of water boiling. Insist 2 hours in a warm place, which is a blanket. The solution is to drain, and then enter a two-artist alcoholic 4 times a day, a tbsp.
- Grind 20 g of yarrow, sage, mint. Add the crushed juniper berries, calamus, Angelica root (10 ml). A tablespoon of composition, pour a glass of water boiling. Insist on and to drink.
- 20 gr of Hypericum, yarrow, wormwood. 10 g caraway creeping, and Angelica, add 15 g mint 5 g we wish you a juniper ordinary. All work. Tablespoon of the mixture pour a glass of hot water and drink it.
Tea, that can be selected from the remaining alcohol, improve our health, you should drink as much as possible. A method more Acres complex, it is possible to help people, and achieve good results in overcoming an addiction at home. Self-destructive at home habit to get rid of the problems possible. A desire a patient to stop drinking, the Financial analysis gives lasting results, allowing you to defeat your cravings to alcohol forever.

To treat alcoholism traditional methods without the knowledge of the patient is very difficult, as the herbs and other raw materials, infusion of a certain taste and smell. Adding infusions, and decoctions, alcohol, an alcoholic may find that what your intentions are. This is an effect of attack, of aggression. Therefore, to fight alcoholism much better at home, with the consent of the patient. If a patient refuses treatment and you believe that alcoholism is not the problem, it is better that the other is trying to methods for the treatment of alcohol addiction at home.